Saturday, February 4, 2012

I've tried...

BLOGGING 3 times today!

But by the time I'm done uploading the pictures, I loose focus and I end up closing the tab.
(I normally upload my pictures first ya see)

So now, hoping it'll change things, I'm....typing this lil intro of mine first ;)

Here's my usual Photo Blog =D

While waiting for my turn to use the studio..Hehe..I look so MAN XD
But you gotta gimme credit because I managed to camwhore with two aunties seated right in front of me ;)

Fact: Pizza is one of my utmost favorite food.
WHen I was younger, for my birthdays, it will ALWAYS be Pizza Hut/ Shakeys.
No McD or whatsoever.
It's been so long since I had food delivered to me after a late night's practice.
Really...REALLY appreciate it.
*you know who you are*

Quite a long time ago..While waiting for my group members for rehearsals for Organization Development's Presentation

Abrupt ending once more because I have no idea what to blog about.
Well I do have some on dance.
Here's one.

My member told me today that the electricity bill last month amounted to RM300+ thanks to my stupidity for not switching off the air-conditioning.

Since it was the New Year's, class was canceled, so the air-conditioning was on for almost a week.
However, I need to take responsibilities of my actions. So, RM300+ it is.

Have a great weekend people.
I really should start reading!

Ps: Looks like there are still people reading my blog
Shall avoid writing emo-nemo posts. hehe