Tuesday, January 13, 2009

90 degrees turn

There she was, being awakened by the annoying polyphonic ring tone of hers. It was her uncle . Right there and then, she knew she was going to lose it. The one thing that's dear to her whole family and most importantly, her brother. A sigh was let out as she stood under the scorching sun just to have a last look of something that has been around the family for 3 years. Throughout that 3 years, it has contributed alot to the family. Being useful in all ways possible.

She walked away from it slowly and reluctantly. When she turned around, she saw something coming from afar. She stayed by the roadside just to take a glimpse at it as it passes by. As it was approaching, she prayed. She really did. She prayed to not see something that she did not want to see. So she strained her eyes with no help from the sun to see if her prayer would be answered. It zoomed by. Her heart was crushed to pieces.She saw the one thing that she did not want to see. With that and that only, confirmed her decision. She ran into the house and called her mom.

Girl: Miiii!! Can we please wait for the Pearl White? I really don't want the Orange. I really really don't want the orange.
Mom: (silent for like 1 second. must be wondering how did she spoil this child) Okay, but I'll have to call up the lady in charge to confirm. We'll have to wait if we want the Pearl White.
Girl: It's okay to wait right?
Mom: Okayla. I'll call you back later. Go paste back the P back on your Kelissa.


I am the happiest girl on earth right now cuz i finally am able to make up my mind on the colour that i really want. I know that my mom doesn't really fancy the Orange in the first place because that's just not her style. She only did for a moment in time because the one we wanted had problems.

I don't care if the Special Edition is the only one that has the colour Tangerine Orange. (Wait, that point i don't mind because it can be differentiated from the other normal ones easily)
But I do care if the colour is not appealing to me and my family(Only my brother thinks it's nice. Kononnya sporty. BOYS =.=) It can't fully be blamed on the car itself though. I myself naturally do not fancy the colour orange in the first place.Imagine driving a Mandarin on the road. Yeah i've already named it actually. But heck! XD

So i guess the tiny lil Kelissa of ours will be staying for Chinese New Year :)

Tiny, CHECK. Dirty, CHECK. Memories, CHECK.

I'm bringing it for service now. It's falling apart. Practically. That's why we wanted to get a newer and affordable car. I think it deserves a lil caring from me since I'm the one driving it most of the time recently. I'll wash it tomorrow :)


That's my sigh of relief! :)

Thanks daddy and mummy. <3