Monday, March 9, 2009

Gossip Girls & more

Gossip Girl is awesome!! I just finished Season 1. Yeah. I'm slow. Have been bz . Oh well :) My head is recovering well too. Thanks for the concern people :)

Hung out with a few of my old friends :)
Tzong Meng,Alex, Kee Weng, Teck Peng,Ester,Soon Heng,Sanjiv (this is actually a new friend) Loo Han, Jiao Wei, & Nicholas aka Lala Zai!
It was fun catching up ^^ Do this again? :)

spot the hidden mickey!

Had drama practice for this coming Tuesday. Got ready with the props and stuff :) Mind you, we'll be graded for it. I hope everything would turn out well.



WEEE~!! Recess!

What is she playing?

O2 Mania much? lol

Suak..i'll play with myself again...ignore my plates. It was scorching and i was wearing black :)

Representing...our very own cave 'paintings'

nyehehe...i drew this..supposed to be the evolution of men but it turned out looking as if the guy tripped on a stone and fell flat on his face. Poor guy.

As said.

Who could this be? Tip: Starts with a S and ends with an A.

The drawing is uber cute and i on the other hand is the total opposite. Props to Yang :)

That sorta kinda concludes my day for today.Tomorrow is going to be a very busy day for me. So as for the day after..AH!!! Wish me luck! ^^
