Today we celebrated Daniel's Bday at Mori Cafe :)
Hope u liked the present we got you..sorry that it wasn't the wristband that you wanted totally slipped our mind!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY DANIEL!! (no pics cuz all of em is in daniel's camera himself.) T_T
A few days back, as i was nicely sitting infront on my computer..lazing around as usual, in came a phone call.
Toot Toot~~!
Lyn: Hello von
Yvonne: Hello Lyn ah, where are you? (in her oh slow-motion- voice)
Lyn: At home! why? (assuming this girl wants to go yumcha/makan)
Yvonne: Can you come help me? I fell down at Petronas and my leg got quite alota blood..
Lyn: What?? how?? erm..okok..will be there soon..wait there ah!
Yvonne: ok~
**Marilyn runs up and down of the house to get ready to go out to rescue the damsel in distress with her trusty sidekick Zachary**
I have pictures of her wound and her herself.. @.@ i know, people injured i can take pics some more, but..erm....... XD however, the picture might b a lil too much for a few of u. So, scrolling down real quick would be a great help.
After having awfull toast at Old Taste, we decided to go to Jetty for a stroll....
THEN!! i saw a new shop that just opened right above the shop where Ann Gie celebrated her birthday at. To my surprise, it's a satay celup shop!! Zach and I went to the shop to see how it is like and the owner totally invited us in to eat and sample the food as for that day, they have not started business. So, the food were mainly for friends and family members to sample for free. Oh well, if he insists...
The heat is controlled electrically and not by using a gas stove. Pretty neat i would say...Hm...
Lucky us ey? My review for that restaurant is that, the kuah has abit too much of peanuts and is not spicy at all. So, it's medioker i guess... After our tasting session, we left the place.. :D
JUST SO THAT WE CAN GET THE PRIZE= some kind of cheap chocolate, chocolate biscuits and a toy truck!! ( we spent about RM5 on this and more than RM5 on photohunt later. This was on the first day of our Sem 2. Classes were canceled but were not informed online -.- sheessh...)
but the effort did not pay off, in fact, the people incharged then starred at those 2 later on when they were putting back the goodies back to where they were supposed to be.. LOL!
TODAY!! goodness...was uber tireying.. class at 8-9am...then a useless 5 hour break until our next class at 2-6.30 pm.. I went to class being all sleepy and i did not join my friends after class for breakfast or anything. Instead, i went home to continue my beauty sleep.
At least that was what i thought of doing.. Until a msg came in..
Yu Kiat: Hey, want to go swimming? 10am. 9.30 leaving d.
... (it goes on..yes no yes no yes no...)
Final answer was OKAY~~ I'll go... (thank goodness i did not sleep in the pool)
The others who went were, Amo + his gf, and one more dude whose name i've forgotten. A THOUSAND APOLOGIES!
It was not bad, but i've definitely lost my touch for swimming..i learnt it when i was really young and i felt as if like i used to have more stamina back then..wth..kononnya dancer..haha!! OH!! and i nearly drowned T_T no joke...i was at 12 feet..swimming back* breast stroke* I was swimming near the side..MANA TAO i drifted to the middle at around 7 feet!! when i opened my eyes to check, my legs couldn't touch the bottom and i kinda panicked for awhile( i think Yu Kiat knew that i was struggling abit when he actually went , " WEI")..Also with my asthma problem, it adds difficulty to breathing... BUT ME, being ME......
acted MACHO and started gasping for air calmly..occassioanally like a DUCK *just imagine* .Then continued to swim to the side again...Imagine lah, if i were to really panick and give up and drown, sure damn shy lah right!!wait the life guard actually blow the whistle and jump into the pool to save me....haha!!!!okok..i've learnt my lesson which is to,
NEVER KE GAO ( act smart) and attempt 12 feet again after years of not swimming at the Public Pool (MBMB)
I am so sorry for being so inconsiderate. An Ass. Indeed, that's what I am now.
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