Saturday, June 6, 2009

Quick One

Hey, sorry that I haven't been updating. :)

[Video done by my friends for my birthday. Edited by Yang]
Ps: I don't have La-La days! Like WTH??
Bet you'll get bored of my face by the time you're halfway through the video. Just skip to the last part if you may because that's the part that I cherish most.

Recent happenings:

  • Broke all of my principles and competed in a dance competition at Station 3
  • Played Left 4 Dead for the first time at Jetty
  • Watched Angels & Demons (loved it! Wouldn't mind watching it twice)
  • Sent my letter of deferment to the people in charge of PLKN
  • Ate at McQuek's Satay Celup and loved it ^^
  • Tried out Pump It Up at MP's arcade with the dancers
  • Bought a half denim jacket from PDI and am loving it much <3
  • Ate like a bull at Seoul Garden
  • Went to the public pool and stoned there for 2 hours cuz of the rain -.-''
  • Found out that I'm not feminine enough T_T

Oh yeah! Before I forget. There'll be another closet sale over at Tribe's tomorrow. Cheap branded goodies at prices you couldn't even imagine. Go on! Go and have a look-see. Who knows, you might just be walking out in a pair of Jimmy Choos ;)

Cute. No?
I can't wear these though. I'd just stumble and fall flat on my face and will never dance again.
